Homophobia Is Stupidly Dangerous

In the early days, I view homophobia as just a stupid stance. Now it it escalated to stupidly dangerous. I can’t fathom the fact that most people would justify the torture and killing of another human being just because they choose to love another person of the same “assigned sex”. Before we continue, let’s first discuss what I meant when I say “assigned sex”. For example, I was born a Person but because of some social conundrums that I really didn’t care much when I came out of the womb, I was assigned to be a female. Well I didn’t really have much of a choice back then because if I had, I would have chosen to be a gender-less direwolf, they’re fluffy and scary at the same time.

Anyway, I’m not just writing this article because one man armed with a powerful riffle chose to gun down more than 300 people and managed to kill 49 of them in Orlando, Florida. Or because out of 55 countries in Africa, 36 of them considers same-sex relations as illegal and punishable by death. Or because Christianism, Islamism and other religious fundamentalists considers homosexuality as immoral. But because it is in my moral stance that EVERYONE, whether your straight, homosexual, a christian, a muslim, or just a normal person who doesn’t give a s**t about all these, should have the Freedom to Live, Love, and exercise your own Rights so long as your actions would not violate that of others. And I strongly believe that your rights as a person and as a citizen of your country should be protected especially by those appointed in the government. Just recently, the boxer Manny Pacquiao was elected as a Senator, a law-maker here in the Philippines. A man who harbored support from the prejudice majority by calling gay people “worse than animals”. He even sited a bible verse to support his claims. He once said in an interview that if he will be elected, he will still stand by his religious beliefs or something like that because the government needs a “God fearing” official. Electing Manny Pacquiao for me is not just shameful, but is also detrimental to the country. How can a law-maker of this country perform effectively by basing everything on his religious beliefs when this country is consist of different people, with different religious beliefs and belongs to different groups. That will just promote inequality and oppression of others who don’t have the same belief system as his. Would he also condemn Muslims for being polygamous because their religion allows them and in the christian teachings adultery is a sin? I have nothing against the man but I’m tired of all these biblical fundamentalism used by opportunistic politicians who eats hate-filled bile statements for breakfast just to strike a popular chord. I’m tired of people who uses bible verses and their religions as a smokescreen for their own prejudices. I’m tired of people giving out damnation pamphlets saying “fags will go to hell” and preaching that god loves you and that he created you in his own image in the same breath. I really don’t think God cares if you like it up to your ass! I mean seriously people, there are more pressing issues. What about child molestation, rape, poverty, deadly diseases? Don’t you have any other outlet for your self proclaimed holiness other than the LGBTQ community?

I understand that these religious institutions won’t allow same sex marriage inside their own humble churches and I respect that. I think most people who are queer respects that too. I really don’t think that they really need a church to affirm that the Christian God, or The Islam God, or the Buddhist God, or whoever god this world has, recognizes their union.I know I don’t. All we are asking is to be recognized by the state as a couple, to have a right to own a conjugal property, or if my partner lies in the hospital bed someday, I would be able to get inside her hospital room hold her hand and say goodbye to her because I’m legally considered to be her life partner. If straight people can exercise those rights, I think it would only be fair that the queers will also be given those same rights.

All you religious fanatics, please understand that this is not about you, or your beliefs or your prejudices. All we are asking is Equal Rights for everyone, including you pricks! And I really don’t think that if you face your maker in the judgment day (assuming that is really happening), your maker would be pleased to know that you killed, or judged, or terrorized all his other creations because they’re gay, lesbians, etc. So seriously people, don’t kill other people just because you think your god as a bigger dick than others.
